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Lookup Module

Contains the classes and functions for using the yahoo finance look up.


Raised when an exchange is not found.


Raised when an assset type is not found.


A valid symbol response from the yahoo finance quote lookup search bar.


  • symbol str - A valid ticker symbol abbreviation.
  • name str - Company name.
  • exchange st - A valid market exchange. The exchange str will be validated against all of the valid exchange enums found in the yfs.exchanges module.
  • asset_type str - A valid asset type. The asset type will be validated against the yfs.asset_types.AssetTypes enum.


    "symbol": "AAPL",
    "name": "Apple Inc.",
    "exchange": "NASDAQ",
    "asset_type": "Equity"


This class inherits from the pydantic BaseModel which allows for the use of .json() and .dict() for serialization to json strings and dictionaries.

  • .json() - Serialize to a JSON object.
  • .dict() - Serialize to a dictionary.


 | def check_exchange(cls, value: str) -> str

Check if the exchange is in one of the valid yfs.exchanges enums.


  • ExchangeNotFoundError - If the exchange is not one yfs.exchanges enums and if the RAISE_ERROR_ON_UNKOWN_EXCHANGE_OR_ASSET environmental variable is set to True. (Default) is False.


 | def check_type(cls, value: str) -> str

Check if the asset_type is one of the valid yfs.asset_types enum.


  • AssetTypeNotFoundError - If the asset is not found in yfs.asset_types enum and if the RAISE_ERROR_ON_UNKOWN_EXCHANGE_OR_ASSET environmental variable is set to True. (Default) is False.


A list of symbol responses from the yahoo finance quote lookup search bar.


  • symbols ValidSymbol - A list of ValidSymbol's.


This class inherits from the pydantic BaseModel which allows for the use of .json() and .dict() for serialization to json strings and dictionaries.

  • .json() - Serialize to a JSON object.
  • .dict() - Serialize to a dictionary.


 | def __getitem__(index: int) -> Optional[ValidSymbol]

Return ValidSymbol at index position.


 | def __len__() -> int

Return the amount of symbols.


 | def __iter__() -> Iterable

Iterate over ValidSymbol objects.


 | def filter_symbols(exchange_type: VALID_EXCHANGE_UNION, asset_type: AssetTypes) -> "ValidSymbolList"

Filter symbols by exchange and asset type.


  • exchange_type - A valid exchange enum. Example: yfs.exchanges.UnitedStatesExchanges
  • asset_type - A valid asset type. Example: yfs.asset_types.AssetTypes.EQUITY


  • ValidSymbolList - A new ValidSymbolList with symbols within the exchange and asset filters.

def fuzzy_search(quote_lookup: str, exchange_type: VALID_EXCHANGE_UNION = UnitedStatesExchanges, asset_type: AssetTypes = AssetTypes.EQUITY, first_ticker: bool = True, use_filter: bool = False, **kwargs, ,) -> Optional[Union[ValidSymbol, ValidSymbolList]]

Lookup and validate symbols or company names.


results = fuzzy_search("apple", first_ticker=False)
    "symbols": [
            "symbol": "AAPL",
            "name": "Apple Inc.",
            "exchange": "NASDAQ",
            "asset_type": "Equity"
            "symbol": "APLE",
            "name": "Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc.",
            "exchange": "NYSE",
            "asset_type": "Equity"
result = fuzzy_search("aapl", first_ticker=True)
    "symbol": "AAPL",
    "name": "Apple Inc.",
    "exchange": "NASDAQ",
    "asset_type": "Equity"


  • quote_lookup - The company name or symbol to search for.
  • exchange_type - One of the yfs.exchanges enums. Default is UnitedStatesExchanges.
  • asset_type - One of the yfs.asset_type.AssetTypes. Default is AssetTypes.EQUITY
  • first_ticker - If set to true returns the first ValidSymbol in the ValidSymbolList. This is normally the best recommended match from the yahoo finance quote lookup.
  • **kwargs - Pass (session, proxies, and timeout) to the requestor function.


  • ValidSymbol - If first_ticker is set to true and a valid ticker response is found.
  • ValidSymbolList - If first_ticker is set to false and a list of valid ticker responses are found.
  • None - If the yahoo finance quote lookup search returns an empty response or if the response did not meet the exchange and asset type filtering requirements.


  • ExchangeNotFoundError - If a exchange is found which has not been implemented in one of the yfs.exchanges enums. If this error is raised please raise an issue on github with the output.
  • AssetTypeNotFoundError - If an asset type is not found in the yfs.asset_types.AssetTypes enum. If this error is raised please raise and issue on github with the output.