
How to setup the FDD Overlay.

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Fomo Driven Development Strategy Overlay

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Main Strategy Overlay

FDD Ghost Bands

Setup Guide

Setup Alerts

Candle Legend

Contact Information

FDD Strategy Overlay Overview

TODO: Write overview

[FDD] Strategy Overlay Options

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FDD Ghost Bands Overview

[FDD] Ghost Bands indicator is a low volatility squeeze indicator. Its goals are to visualize periods of low volatility and stay subtle enough to layer on top of other strategy overlays and not add too much clutter. These periods of low volatility will sometimes contract to a narrow channel, which can lead to a breakout in price action. However, the indicators job is not to determine the direction of the price breakout.

[FDD] Ghost Bands Options

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Setup Guide

Create a New Chart Layout.

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Open Chart settings.

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Under Chart settings Symbol

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Under Chart settings Status line

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Under Chart settings Scales

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Under Chart settings Appearance

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Add the Indicators to the chart

Under the Invite-only scripts

alt text TODO: redo add_scripts without stars TODO: add how to favorite the indicators

Create an Indicator Template

TODO: explaination on what a template is.

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Candle Legend

Setup Alerts

Contact Information

Twitter = Telegram = Tradingview = Discord = @dgnsrekt

Email =

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FOMO DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT [Filter > Entry > Exit > Timing > Survial]