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Quick Start


Install with pip

pip install requests-whaor

Install with Poetry

poetry add requests-whaor

Use with the Requests library

from requests_whaor import RequestsWhaor
import requests

URL = ""

with RequestsWhaor(onion_count=5) as requests_whaor:
    for _ in range(10):
        result = requests.get(URL, proxies=requests_whaor.rotating_proxy)

Use with the requests_whaor's internal get method which retries on failure

from requests_whaor import RequestsWhaor

URL = ""

with RequestsWhaor(onion_count=5, max_retries=10) as requests_whaor:
    for _ in range(10):
        result = requests_whaor.get(URL)


  • RequestsWhaor's internal .get() method will retry requests on ProxyError, Timeout, ConnectionError and bad response codes.
  • On each retry the request will routed through a new ip address.

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